Some Great Ideas For Small Bathroom Designs

Some Great Ideas For Small Bathroom Designs


Bathrooms are basically meant to fulfil your hygienic needs but in today’s’ time period bathrooms have become much more than a place for the fulfilment of hygienic needs. People like to relax in the bath tubs and get rid of all the negative thoughts that have been disturbing them throughout the day. Some people get creative ideas while in the bathroom and some just want to enjoy their shower time, etc. So, since the usage and functionality of bathroom has increased so we shall evolve the designing of bathrooms as well. Designing a larger spaced bathroom with hefty amount of money in your hand is not a problem but the challenge arises when you have to design the small sized or oddly shaped bathrooms. There are so many limitations that come as obstacles in the creativity of the designer while designing the bathroom. This is the reason that the first step of designing a small sized bathroom is to take its measurements and sketch your layout accordingly. A great designing can make something big even from the small spaced bathroom. In this article; we will be discussing about some of the great ideas for small bathroom designs in melbourne.

Some great ideas for small bathroom designs:

We know that while designing small bathrooms; we have to take certain things in consideration as we cannot just install everything that we like in the market in our bathroom due to the provision of limited space. In such cases; one should design intelligently to make the place look less congested and more spacious. To begin with; you need to paint your bathroom with pastel or light colours. After that; try to add as many glasses or mirrors as possible like glass made shower screen, etc. In addition to that; try to utilise the fittings of the bathroom multi-purposely like a toilet with a flat top can be used as a surface for placing your skin care products (in a box or basket). Storage area can also be made in small bathrooms but you will have to add the open cabinets system that is directly attached with the walls of the bathrooms.

Bathroom renovations:

Washroom renovation can be defined as the process of remodelling bathrooms from the scratch or making some changes to the existing bathrooms.  It is up to the client that how he would want his bathroom to be renovated; whether he wants to get it remodelled completely or will like few changes only.



Bathrooms are not only used to fulfil hygienic needs but also work as a space to relax and gather your thoughts. This is the reason that bathrooms must be made as such that they provide a comfortable space for you. Designing smaller bathrooms is a challenging task but there are some great hacks and designs that can be followed for small sized bathrooms. “Bathroom connection” excels in making small bathroom designs. 

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