Making Creative Use Of Fallow Space

Making Creative Use Of Fallow Space

Pick up any magazine that speaks of architecture and home decor and you will invariably find an article about remodelling or restructuring your house in order to make full use of all the space lying unused. Many people in fact, attempt to redecorate after a few years and use these articles to inform their vision of the new ‘look’ for the house but rarely do they ask themselves, why should we do this? Why should we follow the advice of a magazine article and spend so much money doing so? Here’s why.

A Commercial Endeavour

People do home additions all the time without thinking about how it may benefit them commercially. If you add an annexe to your house, you could rent it out to earn an extra income. This could be built on an unused part of garden or yard, or added on top of the first floor with a separate entrance out back. Sometimes all it takes is one additional room in order to attract a good tenant as many young adults look for cheap accommodation along their travels. Whichever way you do this, repurposing empty space to acquire a commercial benefit is a very good reason for changing the house.

A Personal Benefit

Sometimes, houses are built without too much thought to how it can be changed or used in the future. Older houses for instance, have large halls and spaces that seem cavernous to the modern day apartment dweller. So you could easily have some workmen do timber framed houses Mandurah and build yourself a den within a house. Plaster walls can separate it from the brick and mortar of the rest of the house. A small space not too removed from the main house would make for an ideal work space or art studio. Similarly, large kitchens can be turned into pantries, store rooms into bedrooms and barns into garages.

The Feng Shui Idea

Whether or not you believe in the principles of Feng Shui, what the philosophy ultimately advocates for houses makes logical sense. Feng Shui calls for uncluttered space, doors and windows that face a certain direction and specific angles and proportions in order to let in creative ‘chi’ or energy from the universe. Barring the latter section of that idea, having an uncluttered house means more space that you could use; doors and windows that face the East let in more sunlight which leads to less energy consumption throughout the day; and certain angles that align with the earth’s circumference simply make construction easier.


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